India will succeed as long as it is not 'splintered' on religious lines, Obama says

India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
Christo de Sangre De Cristo?? Jorge was Carlos Slims personal Learjet pilot & gun bearer at Slims 20,000 acre Sonora Estate. Jorge flew Carlos there on hunting trips when he wasnt flying Carlos to Spain & Paris or to watch Slims own San Diego Padres.
Christo de Sangre De Cristo?? Jorge was Carlos Slims personal Learjet pilot & gun bearer at Slims 20,000 acre Sonora Estate. Jorge flew Carlos there on hunting trips when he wasnt flying Carlos to Spain & Paris or to watch Slims own San Diego Padres.
India will succeed so long as its not splintered on religious.
India will succeed so long as its not splintered on religious.
India will succeed so long as its not splintered on religious.
India will succeed so long as its not splintered on religious.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long as it is not splintered on religious.
India will succeed as long as it is not splintered on religious.
Obama In India Says Country Will Succeed Only If Its Not.
Obama In India Says Country Will Succeed Only If Its Not.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
Obama prods India on religious freedom, says everyone has right to.
Obama prods India on religious freedom, says everyone has right to.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed so long as it is not splintered on religious.
India will succeed so long as it is not splintered on religious.
Remarks by President Obama on the Middle East and North Africa - IMG_4777
Remarks by President Obama on the Middle East and North Africa - IMG_4777
I feel at home in India: Ban Ki-moon
I feel at home in India: Ban Ki-moon
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India will succeed as long it is not splintered on religious lines.
India Will Succeed as Long as its not Splintered on Religious.
India Will Succeed as Long as its not Splintered on Religious.
October 2014 Breaking News USA and Iran longtime.
October 2014 Breaking News USA and Iran longtime.
Tehran Infested With Rats As Big As Cats - YouTube
Tehran Infested With Rats As Big As Cats - YouTube
Calgary Muslims threaten war (in a backhanded way.
Calgary Muslims threaten war (in a backhanded way.

The Back Channel | New America Archives

The agenda included a search for an end to the long fight over Kashmir, a contest that is often described by Western military analysts as a potential trigger for atomic war... A decade ago, Lashkars emir, Hafiz Saeed, announced his intention to destroy India: ���We will not rest until the whole [of ] India is dissolved into Pakistan... In 1972, after their third formal war, India and Pakistan established the Line of Control and deployed artillery and infantry along its length.

Educating Reformers and Activists: Dr. Howard Fullers Powerful Example and.

To disagree with his current strategy and tactics, (which I sometimes do) does not mean one has to question his proven commitment for improving the lives of African Americans and the poor or his wisdom as an activist and leader.. Those boundaries.

Between the lines: Obamas comments on Kashmir - Reuters

President Barack Obamas words on relations with Pakistan were always going to be carefully scripted during his visit to India, where even to say the word ���Kashmir��� aloud in public can raise jitters about U.S. interference in what. In other words, if Singh had continued peace talks with Pakistan he would have been exposed to political criticism at a time when he could not be sure there would be no more big attacks in India... should read: If Indians succeed to muster.

US intelligence warned embassy in Egypt of concern about.

But I saw that in Quran it says that you can trade with all other religions and you all are human and have no difference.and it says that U shouldn kill anyone exept for defence.i realy enjoyed it you should first see and read it then say your opinions about.. Obviously, Clinton and Obama made NO preparations for the possibility of attacks on the anniversary of 9/11, nor did the fact that the Benghazi Embassy had been attacked numerous times in June, July, and August.

India Will Succeed as Long as its not Splintered on Religious Lines, Says.

There have been times where my faith has at times been questioned by people who dont know me, or theyve said that I adhere to a different religion, as if that were somehow a bad thing, he said, as he noted the persistent rumours that he is a Muslim.

Obama strikes chord with young India

Obama expressed hope that America can be Indias best partner for a better tommorrow. I bring the friendship from. Asserting that religious intolerance should be scrapped for the progress of the nations, he said, India will succeed as long as its not splintered along religious lines. India would succeed so. There have been times where my faith has been questioned by people who dont know me, or said that I belong to a different religion, as if that were somehow a bad thing, he said. ������ ������ ���������������: Make in .

White House: Dont Call It Terrorism

With ISIS and al Qaeda] in the Arabian Peninsula and assorted other Islamist groups ramping up their rhetoric, ���Its very difficult for the White House to hold the verbal line,��� says Bill Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. From the.

Splintering relations?: Durand Line is a settled issue, says FO

Replying to a question, the spokesperson expessed concern on statements from Afghanistan said that Pakistan is committed to fight terrorism and extremism and there should be no doubt in it.. Replying to a question on the issue of killing of Osama bin Laden and Pakistans policy on it, the spokesperson said, ���Our position on Osama bin Laden incident, fighting terrorism and extremism within Pakistan is the responsibility of Pakistan and Pakistan does not want that��.

After Dark: NYC Nightlife Today And Days Past

This is the final installment in HuffPost Gay Voices Associate Editor James Nichols 30-part series After Dark: NYC Nightlife Today And Days Past that examines the state of New York nightlife in the modern day, as well as the development and.

How a line drawn in the sand nearly 100 years ago helped.

Boundaries which, as journalist and author Sam Roberts has written in the New York Times, ���paid little attention to the ancient tribal, ethnic, and religious differences that are at the root of much of the bloodshed in the region.��� advertisement.. The Brits and French also did it in Southeast Asia (leading to the Vietnam War), in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Kashmir in SubAsia and in numerous places in Africa including Kenya/Rwanda/Uganda and South Africa/Rhodesia.

Syrian Bomb Plot Marked Deadly Turn in Civil War

In Washington, the Obama administration ordered a task force from the Pentagon, State and Treasury to draw up plans for a post-Assad Syria, said Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria at the time.. and politicians in neighboring countries with.

India Will Succeed If Its Not Splintered On Religious Lines, Says Obama

NEW DELHI ��� India will succeed so long it is not splintered on religious lines, US President Barack Obama said Tuesday, winding up his three-day state visit with a strong pitch for religious tolerance in a country grappling with religious conversions.

FPs Situation Report: U.S. contemplates final strategy in Afghanistan; Europe.

John F. Campbell is weighing several major decisions that may determine how quickly U.S. troops will withdraw next year, how far they will go in helping Afghan forces fight and how many Americans will remain on the ground when President Obama leaves.

2014 ��� 2015 | Climate Etc.

At the same time, on the science front, weve seen the hiatus dominating the science discussion, and also a very rational AR5 WG2 report that expresses much more uncertainty about AGW impacts... For example, I wouldnt bet on what the SandP 500 will do tomorrow, because I know day-to-day market forecasting is a crap shoot, but I would (and do) bet on what this index will do over the long-term because I am confident of my projection the SandP 500 will out perform��.

Sic Semper Tyrannis : Pakistan and AfPak - FB Ali

The Pakistanis have been promising to clean up North Waziristan (as the US demands) for a long time, but wont say exactly when. In public. The basic reality is that, in return for the substantial aid that the US is providing it, Pakistan will go along with US needs and requirements as far as it can, but it will not cross the red line where its own security is jeopardised.. I think where you are going wrong is in not distinguishing between political and religious Islamists.

This Week Transcript: White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough

In a joint news conference this morning, President Obama was asked about Yemen, the latest turmoil there and the coup. He responded that its a dangerous place and a dangerous time and that he will not be sending U.S. troops there to either help settle .

Narendra Modi and the rise of Indias neo-fascist Far-Right.

Before I begin, let me make it crystal clear that the information in this article should not be exploited by anyone to denigrate India and Indians in general, Hindus en masse or the religion of Hinduism as a whole; both as a Sikh and as an individual, I have.. All lines of information get blocked so the choice is either to stop any critical reporting or just skim the surface making a few discomforting points here and there but never writing anything that does substantial damage.

The peace we seek exists in the human heart says Obama.

11:30 am: India will succeed so long as it is not splintered on religious lines ��� Obama. 11:28 am: The peace we seek in. 11:16 am: We must never stop working for the world as it should be ��� a world without nuclear weapons, thats our goal, says Obama. 11:15 am: America wants to be. 11:07 am: Last time celebrated festival of lights in Mumbai, danced with some children,unfortunately we couldnt arrange dancing this time ��� Obama. 11:05 am: Great honour to be��.

Shah Rukh Khan to Michelle: 5 reasons India loved Obamas Town Hall speech

Barack Obama Barack Obamas January 27 speech in Delhi, arguably, was among the best ones the country has heard from a politician! Senorita!. He said, India can succeed so long as its not splintered along religious lines; so long as its not.

The State Of Palestine Was Declared Way Before Europes Push For Recognition

Today, Palestinians still only control fragments of territory, and are no closer to reaching a peace deal with Israel about where the borders of a future state will be.. But some Palestinian critics say the whole project of winning recognition is.

Guest contribution-Unifying Pakistan - Reuters

Their hatred of America, however, strikes a populist nerve, and the US has exacerbated its unpopularity by conducting cross-border strikes from Afghanistan and drawing closer to India, to the extent that a 2010 Pew. Between the lines: Obamas comments on Kashmir.. If nations do not meet that criterion due to internal infrastructure and culture that focus on external issues all the time, such nations will not only drag themselves down, but also others with them.

M of A - Where Will ISIS Go Next?

These guys are irregulars not soldiers, so they dont have the direct line from ISIS commanders, who I imagine have a more democratic council structure, to Saudi benefactors, who are split between oil barons and religious nuts... Maybe India. Lets hope not. If India is next, it will use nukes, and when it does, bye bye everyone. Can the genie be put back in the bottle? Why would the U.S. back a group that has its sights on India that could stoke a regional nuclear war��.

Women power, religion and SRK: The best Obama moments from his Siri Fort.

Always an eloquent and engaging speaker, United States President Barack Obama also won over Indians during his town hall speech at the Siri Fort today. And, it wasnt just because he used five Hindi words in. India will succeed so long as it is not.

Conservatives Warn That GOP Must Act On Immigration, Not Just Attack Obama

WASHINGTON -- In the wake of huge wins for the Republican Party in the 2014 elections, conservatives in favor of immigration reform are warning their GOP counterparts they cant spend the next two years ranting against an executive order on immigration.

Terror Groups in India - Council on Foreign Relations

India not only faces evolving threats from Kashmiri militants, but also an increasingly violent Maoist insurgency.. Does India face a serious threat from extremist groups? Yes, experts say. The precise number of groups orchestrating attacks in India is hard to ascertain because of splintering movements, but the country faces possible. Kashmir has long been a flashpoint between the nuclear states of Pakistan and India... North America: Time for a New Focus.

Army, Allah and America: on Pakistani pitfalls and the future.

In Pakistan, the Jamaat-e-Islami, founded in then British India, has, along with other religious parties played a disproportionately significant role in setting the agenda which goes well beyond their weak showing at the ballot box. It has reached the point where no... about Pakistan splintering up. But even KP has stated several times that India can not and should not attempt at breaking Pakistan and if Pakistan splinters, it will be its own doing (which is what many believe).

Pakistan school attack, plane disappearances ��� tragedies mark 2014

Jan 19: New York: A US judge here has granted Manhattans top prosecutor Preet Bharara time till January 31 to file his opposition to the motion submitted by Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade seeking dismissal of the indictment against her on visa.

Steven Soderbergh Doesnt Care If You Like Oceans 12, But Dont Hate It For.

In a world where most sequels attempt nothing more than to replicate the success of the first film (often with diminishing returns), Oceans Twelve completely reworked its predecessors DNA.. Its an immaculately constructed and genuinely witty.

Haqs Musings: Indias America Envy

But India can do a Lebanon only by risking nuclear war with its neighbor; and Indian intelligence agencies are too inept to imitate Mossads policy of targeted killings, which have reaped for Israel an endless supply of dedicated and.. Because it was Special Ops forces and not the CIA, it would indicate that there had to have been very high-level discussions between the U.S. and Pakistan about this, but the Obama administration says no intelligence was shared with��.

President Obama Touts Partnership With Egypts Military Regime: Yet.

Kenneth Roth, HRWs executive director, said: In Raba Square, Egyptian security forces carried out one of the worlds largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history. In contrast, clearing Tiananmen Square in Beijing took twice.

BBC - The Editors: Obamas Afghanistan strategy

President Obama has announced his long-awaited new strategy for trying to stabilise Afghanistan and Pakistan and to defeat the violent Islamists of al-Qaeda and their Afghan and Pakistani Taleban allies. This review actually. Itll be interesting to see how much of our experts advice and predictions are included in the new strategy, and of course to see whether it will succeed - though we probably wont be able to assess that for some time to come. However, that will��.

Will Obama come bearing gifts? ��� Indian Punchline - Rediff

After mulling over for two months, US president Barack Obama finally made up his mind to accept the invitation extended to him by Indias newly-elected prime minister Narendra Modi to visit India and be the chief guest for the Republic. The meeting at the White House in late September was the first time Obama ever came across Modi and Obama, an unusually cerebral mind, would have felt intrigued when the latter sprang a surprise and extended the invitation.

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