Dear Indians, Here's how not to react to Obama's remarks on religious intolerance

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Who Do YOU Think Is More Racist, White Democrats.

The comments made by Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling this month. And the reaction to.




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Obama says religious intolerance in India would have shocked Gandhi;

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Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on religious

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Religious intolerance in




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Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on.
Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on.

Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on.

Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on.

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Via @JaskiratSB the exact quote by @BarackObama on religious intolerance in

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Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on religious. Religious intolerance




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Acts of religious intolerance in India would have shocked Gandhi: Obama

Xi in Gujarat, Troops in Ladakh: China incursions are a message to Modi

Hours before he wades into formal talks with the visiting Chinese President, this truth must be galling Modi, particularly at a time when the Chinese have not only carried out two major incursions into Indian territory in the past ten days or so, but.

Why Are Homosexuals Almost Always Jesus Haters? | Short.

. a reason. My observation is that homosexuality is the gateway sin to atheism, much like pot is the gateway drug to addiction (please- no pro pot comments- save���. Christians do everyday. Even though we believe in personal responsibility, it will ALWAYS be us who feed the poor. Do these people GIVE their money to those in need? Like Obama? ha! no. Their craven fingers cling to every dollar... What I said to you is that your accusations here were not fair.

Russian Central Bank Releases 7 Measures It Will Take To.

Ranging from bank recaps to measures aimed at helping manage interest-rate and credit risks, the reaction in the Ruble is positive for now. as perhaps, taking a lesson from the US, The CBR removes Mark-to-Market. In short: humans have always associated numbers with religious/spiritual and magick stuff, its not new.. Ive been on this board since 2007, search my previous comments and you will see, Im not a fan of the US Government or the banking system.

FORUM: Off-Topic Discussion Thread (Non-Nuclear Issues)

Well I was not going to say anything but since I read this I will, a few days ago I made a comment, I got moderated 5 times, blocked from the site. I will not say what it was but it was not bad, not cursing not even off topic,��.

Iran Signals Continuity in Its Syria Policy Following Rohanis.

Bussed-in Basiji says: June 21, 2013 at 8:07 am. Secular democracy is not dead. And its appeal will persist among many religious minorities and even among Muslima. The reason is intolerance the examples of which we see.

Dear RSS, focus on winning hearts and minds, not capturing Modi sarkar

Recent events and mindless utterances of the Hindutva ideologues and Sangh Parivar fringe, and the parliamentary oppositions belligerence over it, have the potential to derail Narendra Modis legislative agenda, partly or wholly. Already the winter.

A terror attack was inevitable in Jammu and Kashmir: Heres why

Two forthcoming events -- the third phase of polling and Prime Minister Narendra Modis proposed Srinagar visit -- had forced the hand of the terrorists and if they had not acted now, it would have led to long-term consequences that would have.

suggests Mossad should assassinate Obama - Mondoweiss

The question here is not how bright Adler is or would assassinating Obama help the cause of Israel or not, but did he commit a federal crime by advocating in writing the killing of our president? Should he be a moslem or.. Imposing a fine for causing that sort of disruption and red tape wouldnt be any more unreasonable than fining an individual for transmitting a false alarm or complaint or making casual remarks or jokes about bombs on an airplane. Log in to Reply��.

Indian-origin Miss America Nina Davuluri unfazed by racist.

The crowning of the first Miss America of Indian origin sparked a racist reaction on social media on Monday but 24-year-old Nina Davuluri played down the issue, saying she had to rise above such things.. of MissAmerica. This is why I want to leave America! Stop hating, America. Shes one of us. tweeted Emma Sydney, while @ericatessa wrote: I think its fabulous that @NinaDavuluri won #MissAmerica! America is about diversity. Not intolerance. 927; 8; 11��.

The Privilege Delusion | Skepchick

And then I would make a comment about how there could really be more women in the community, and the responses from my fellow skeptics and atheists ranged from ���No, theyre not logical like us,��� to ���Yes, so we can fuck them!... I hope he does the latter here. I dont even think he saw/heard Rebeccas actual words before he said what he said. I think he was reacting in a passion to the hysterical feminists and took it upon himself to presume that the original��.

BJP plans unprecedented drive to recruit Muslims; but not many may sign up

���First people said we were a party of only north Indian Hindu shopkeepers. We proved them. Not surprisingly, the Muslim political representation in BJP-ruled states is significantly lower compared to those in non-BJP states even after taking into.

How I figured out my racism - The Economist

IN RESPONSE to the fracas over underlying racial tensions in American politics currently underway between Jonathan Chait, Quin Hillyer, Ross Douthat, et al, heres a (not sufficiently) brief parable... I shared Mr Chaits reaction to Mr Hillyers column: the list of actual policy complaints he presents against Mr Obama seems to me to range from the ho-hum (contempt of court concerning offshore drilling) to the nonexistent or fantastical (IRS harassment of conservative��.

U.S. Muslims ask Obama to Block Counter-Terror Training.

So, we ask ourselves why would all these ���peaceful people��� who represent the ���real��� Islamic religion in Obamas eyes, demand that he cut off funding for those who are training people to fight the jihadists? Why the ���retraining���. Vote Republican, and then demand that they listen to those of us that voted them in��� if they do not listen and react as we want��� recall them! But, no. You are not wanted here and I invite you to leave the US if you dont like it here. Please do��.

From ghar wapsi to PK protests: Hindutva mob violence is also terrorism

From Bhagwats perspective, reconversion is a just punishment for those who brought into their religious pens the Hindus who had ���lost their way.��� They are the ���belongings��� Bhagwat wishes to ���retrieve���, not only denying agency to human beings, but also .

Declare Baghwad Gita national book, says Sushma Swaraj

Swaraj made the remarks while speaking at Gita Prerna Mahotsav, organised to celebrate 5,151 years of religious book Gita at the Red Fort Maidan in New Delhi where VHP president Ashok Singhal said Prime Minister Narendra Modi should immediately.

Dear Indians, Heres how not to react to Obamas remarks on religious intolerance

Whaaaat? Bring on the totally cooked up media-fueled controversy. Religious intolerance in India would have shocked Gandhi: Obama, blares the Indian Express on its front page. The Express frames the remarks in context, noting, The comments came a .

@ShamiWitness, Mehdi Biswas on Twitter proof of increasing radicalisation of.

Till some time back, direct evidence for the radicalisation of Muslim youth in India had been reports of how young men had been recruited by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) to fight against the Indian forces in Kashmir or foment trouble within the country. They.

Brahminism and bigotry: Decoding the NCAER data on untouchability

If 73 percent of Indians do not overtly practice untouchability (we can never know about hidden attitudes), that is a gain from the near-100 percent who did a century ago. It is not a reason for self-flagellation. But that need not detain us here.

Muslim clerics use of Koran to counter ISIS is a double-edged sword

The open letter makes 24 points to confront al-Baghdadis claims of representing true Islam (read the full letter here).. A close look at the Islamic clerics open letter to al-Baghdadi offers us a reason to wonder why it needs an interpretation of.

White House Down in Middle East - The American Interest

President Obama may not only be remembered as a president who failed to make any progress towards Middle East peace; he could well be the president who saw thirty years of painful progress collapse on his watch. The White House failed so.. Catholics around the world werent demonstrating and raising money for Irish annexation of Ulster; the Pope wasnt issuing encyclicals affirming the religious duty of Catholics to fight to kick the heretics out. (A few grizzled��.

Attack on PETA activists over vegan Eid: Bhopals Muslims only shame.

I always rather admired Bhopals Muslims for their cheery liberalism and a culture of tolerance not often found in many other north Indian Muslim cities. But that old tehzeeb now seems to be in the danger of being trumped by a new-found.

Newslaundry ��� Why I Agree With Bill Mahers Views On Islam

Each and every criticism of how Islam has in some way been responsible for how society treats minorities, women or human rights in Muslim-majority countries, Aslan ascribes to region and not religion.. These people here asked the Indian government to sever diplomatic ties with Denmark.. I have for long been toying with the idea of commissioning a comic with Modi as the new Prophet, since he evokes a similar hysterical reaction among many of his followers.

Religion of peace is not a harmless platitude �� The Spectator

And ��� most importantly ��� we will give up our own traditions of free speech and historical inquiry and allow one religion to have an unbelievable advantage in the free marketplace of ideas. It is not.. The red Indians were safe from Muslims, but the brown ones certainly felt their impact.. I believe this is where you are coming from here, that over-zealous political correctness means some faux-liberals and leftists have become apologist for intolerant Islamists.

Quran Burning Rage in Afghanistan | FrontPage Magazine

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland upped the ante, characterizing the event as ���horrific,��� and further noting that the ���desecration of religious articles is not in keeping with the standards of American tolerance, human... methods; Obama not once has spoken on behalf of these christians, or as a matter of fact on behalf of the little girls there (acid attacks, killing etc) simply because they go to school; and here he is once again ��� groveling, and bowing to his��.

Lots of advice for Obama on dealing with Muslims and Islam

Michael Fullilove at the Brookings Institution made a pitch for an Obama speech in Indonesia in the New York Times while several Moroccan blogs have been running a campaign (including a petition with a long list of... Indians has their best hobby to blame Pakistan for each and everything wrong in India.. This may be fine but why should people of other religions bother, because Muslims do not accept any other religions,but state that Islam is a tolerant religion.

The eruption of anti-gay legislation nationwide is not a.

The American Religious Freedom Program pushes a bigotry for all bill, so people can hate anybody their deity tells them to -- but especially gays.

Parliament Live: Sakshi Maharaj express regret for Godse remark, Cong wants.

Congress leader in Lok Sabha was however not impressed with the expression of regret by Sakshi Maharaj saying, If you think you can rule this Parliament and do what you want because you are in majority you are wrong. We will. Reacting to Kharge.

Follow the BJP: Congress ruinous plan to remake its anti-Hindu image

Even as the wider Indian society is becoming more democratic and open, the nations polity is being increasingly driven by forces and instincts that best thrive in a polarised setting.. Here, it is about the very sensitive Hindu-Muslim relations.

Questions, Comments About Tonights Show? | Gretawire

Post them right here about ON THE RECORD!. This was not his first post; the first one spelled out the word. and HE WASNT BLOCKED, but I was for NOT using foul language like him?... You took it from the Indians. They are the only ones who could object. Yeah, I know, we thought he believed this. Now we know he does. Thats what Im saying. These next two years, Katie, bar the door. And Obama said Americans should not favor other Americans over foreign.

Inflation is dying: November WPI hits 0% and you read it here first

To be sure, the decline would have been sharper, with WPI possibly turning negative in November, if the government had not raised taxes on fuel to reduce its fiscal deficit. The tax increase was thus beautifully timed and a good example of counter.

Follow BJP: The Congress has a ruinous plan to remake its pro-Muslim image

Even as the wider Indian society is becoming more democratic and open, the nations polity is being increasingly driven by forces and instincts that best thrive in a polarised setting.. Here, it is about the very sensitive Hindu-Muslim relations.

Where do Indian Muslims come from: RSS Ghar Wapsi rests on a colonial.

If Muslim rulers were converting people by the sword, and had no qualms about shedding blood to fulfil their religious duties, why did they not covert all, particularly in those areas over which they enjoyed complete supremacy for centuries? Why did.

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